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Guide to Boating the California Coast : Stinson Beach, Bolinas Lagoon.

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On the base of the western side of Mount Tamalpais, sits the village of Stinson Beach, and one of the most beautiful beaches on the entire West Coast. Because the beach faces south and shielded by Point Reyes from the northwesterly sea winds and much of the fog. This beach gets hot, don't be surprised if you hear "is this southern California" while walking Barefoot on the beach. Mornings and Evenings, the ocean is often calm and great for boating. It is also a famous surfing location; every fourth of July surfers have a bond fire and pray to the surfing gods for a good year.


Just beyond Stinson Beach, the two-lane coast highway runs along the eastern shore of Bolinas Lagoon, a tidal inlet that is in the process of becoming a saltwater marsh. The silted-up channels are a paradise for shorebirds, leopard sharks, and seals. In the fall and a massive number of Great Blue herons, Egrets, Black-necked slit, Sandpiper, and cormorants gather in the peaceful lagoon.

Unless you look carefully, you can easily miss the turnoff to the village of Bolinas because it is unmarked. The center of the town is comprised of two narrow streets, with side leading roads to tucked away houses in nooks overlooking the ocean. From the westernmost of the Bolinas beach, you can reach the tide pools of Duxbury Reef, which is very popular with local marine biologist.


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