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6 Maintenance Tips for Your Luxury Yacht for 2019


When a luxury yacht is new, the gleaming surfaces and smooth handling can dazzle anyone as it glides through the water. Luxury yachts are built to last, so you should be able to get the exact same level of joy from your yacht after years of use as you did the first day you took it out on the water. In addition to getting excellent care for the internal components, here are some methods you can use to ensure great maintenance throughout the years.

Clean the Exterior to Avoid Bad Odors

With sea spray and other liquids, long-term exposure can give a yacht a less than ideal smell, so a good cleaning regimen is a great way to keep your yacht smelling great while also protecting it. Boat Life recommends choosing a combination of a good cleanser, a great cloth for buffing and drying, and boat wax to keep the hull clean, odor-free, and protected.

Cover Your Yacht to Protect From Birds

No one likes walking out on their beautiful yacht only to scare away a seagull or two who were just hanging out on the bow. Many choose to cover their yachts with custom-fit cloth and canvas covers that mean the deck and hull remain gleaming underneath. These covers can also mitigate fading due to prolonged sun exposure.

A Little Elbow Grease Against Sunscreen Stains

A few sunscreen spots are a sign that you and your guests have been enjoying the sunshine in your yacht while protecting your skin. However, spending some time wiping up those spots and using gentle soap to remove stains from any of your seats and spaces is a good idea. Once sunscreen has been in the sun for a longer amount of time, it will break down in the upholstery, leather, or other surfaces, making it harder and harder to clean. The American Boating Association recommends finding a good cleaner and cloth for each of the surfaces in your luxury yacht and storing them in an area where they will remain relatively dry and cool. With this plan, you can easily access a cleaner whenever a small spill happens.

Keep Dry Boxes Clean to Avoid Moisture Build-Up

Dry boxes work best when they don't have any moisture, crumbs, or dirt in them. If a particular adventure leaves you with dirty dry boxes, take the time to clean them out and let them dry with the lids open. Because they seal up, they can start to smell a bit if they aren't cleaned well over time.


Purge Saltwater From the Engine

Saltwater can eventually take a toll on the functioning of your engine. Take the time to remove saltwater from your engine and to occasionally inspect all components affected by saltwater to ensure that no corrosion, holes, or damaging salt build-up have developed. Installing a fresh water flush system is an easy way to fresh water flush your engine.

Check Seals Around Windows and Hatches

The key spot for most yachts are the seals: they can become sun worn around windows and hatches, causing damage and eventual leaking. This can become an issue as water continues to infiltrate the interior of the boat. Even if you aren't doing your own luxury yacht maintenance, knowing where the main seals on your yacht are can allow you to visually check the seals and notice if tears or punctures are developing before they become a problem.

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