
Yacht Blog

Guide to Boating The California Coast : Introduction


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The California Coast is as much a state of mind as it is a place. The people, Native American history, and myths haven woven into the soul of the magic coast. Not only providing spectacle views but also captivating stories that will make you feel apart and included in California's journey.

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A unique aspect of the coast is the climate: In the summer, the inland valleys are sweltered in heat, creating the coast to be cold and foggy. In the winter as the Sierra Nevada becomes frosty, the coast is often delightful mind and sunny.


The California Coast is 840 miles running from Oregon to Mexico, with its wide sandy beaches, flower flourished bluffs; surf washed cliffs, and wild mountain ranges, it is genuinely one of the most scenic places in the world. Too many visiting California, they only see a small glimpse of the coastline, mainly staying in the three significant cities.


San Francisco, San Diego and of course Los Angeles. With Heavy traffic, landslides, and road closers, it is difficult to grasp the full experience of the California coast by car.


That's why at Atomic Tuna we believe the only way is by boat, set your own pace, see everything, and of course, get off the grid. Every week we will be creating an ultimate guide to boating the California coast, from Marinas, Nautically tips, Restaurants, hiking, fishing, sailing, and history. This guide will help you plan trips, built itineraries, and get you on the water faster.


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