
Yacht Blog

Guide to Boating the California Coast: Point Reyes Part One


From Bear valley road to Olema, you enter the central section of the national seashore. Don't let the landscape fool you. You cannot see the ocean at any time in the valley, because tall Douglas Fir obstructs the view. From the central section of Point Reyes, you can visit many different destinations. First is the Kule Loklo. It is s short, beautiful walk to the meadow where the bark-slab houses, sweathouse, and shade ramadas of a reconstructed Coast Miwok village. This trail is directly on the San Andras Fault Line; you can see the spot where the pennisula moved 16 feet back in the 1906 earthquake. The next stop is the Bear Valley Trail, which is 4.1 miles long trail well-graded and mostly level. The trail takes you through a forest, cliffs, creeks, and a view of the Pacific Ocean.

Farther north on the Bear Valley Road, you reach Atomic Tuna's favorite beach for fishing for surf perch, Limantour Beach. Leading up to the beach, you have a series of ponds and marshes connected by creek channels. Be sure to avoid this beach; if you are looking to get a small boat ashore, the swell can be very dangerous certain times of the year. If you visit coastal beaches and marshes in the winter, you might notice the birds will be asleep throughout the day. That's because the tides are so prominent in the winter, birds gather most of their food at low tide during the night.


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