

Seamanship vs. Boat Technology: What Do You Consider Most Valuable?

Any veteran yachter will tell you that years of experience on the open sea and a seamanship 'sixth sense' makes for the best operations on the water. But, with today's technology, boating and yachting are becoming more available to more rookie enthusiasts who can rely on devices and data to safely navigate the seas. Today, we are discussing a few of the differences between having raw knowledge at the helm versus taking advantage of technology to enjoy the ocean recreationally and safely.

Weather and Water

Twenty years ago, only those individuals with training and experience were navigating yachts. Knowing how to read and interpret the tides and currents with a trained eye would be considered a trait of a master seaman. Recognizing an ominous storm front off in the distance, would be the indicator for the captain to take refuge. Gauging a shift in wind velocity or air temperature could indicate an upcoming change on the water. Fast forward to the present day. Individuals with training can predict these same nuances on the water with the help of devices. In many cases, these devices and indicators are far more precise and reliable than the 'gut feeling' of the captain from twenty years ago. Regardless, these skills are invaluable, and in the event of failed gadgets and technology, a seasoned veteran with these inherent skills can navigate a vessel to safety.

Mechanical, Navigational and Operational

A veteran seaman of yesterday would not only be able to predict weather and water changes, but he could also recognize mechanical failures and fix his own vessel, navigate the oceans by the sun and stars and know precisely when to charge the oncoming wave instead of riding it out. Today's enthusiasts aren't required to have a broad knowledge base of mechanics, astronomy or physics, per se. Captains of recreational yachts today can rely on operational and mechanical detection technology, autocorrect functions and satellite-guided navigation systems. With the help of a few onboard devices, almost anyone can learn and enjoy the operations side of boating.

Yachting Simplified

The truth is, nothing can replace the experience and knowledge gained from years of navigating the open seas, but some things can help simplify the basics. It's much like driving a car or flying a plane. Today's technology has simplified the skills required to operate almost everything. It's meant to augment the process, relieve additional steps and promote safety. Because we have the devices and technology that we do now, more and more people are able to experience the yachting recreation, thus driving more interest in the hobby. The more people enjoy the open waters, the more time they tend to spend there. The more time they spend there, the more experience and knowledge they gain as navigators of their vessels. So one might say that technology might be promoting the seamanship experience altogether.

What Are You Waiting For?

The good news is, even if you don't have the first clue about how to read the stars on the open water, or know the best place to anchor, you too can enjoy your own yacht. Spend some time with the veterans and learn how they operate, then spend some time learning the technology. As a yacht owner or enthusiast, there is much to be learned from both and true seaman will educate himself/herself to enjoy the best yachting has to offer. For more tips on learning and operating, contact us. If you're new to the recreation altogether, let us help you find the perfect balance of knowledge and technology to get you out enjoying the waters on your own.

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