

Using Technology to Build a Better Boat Buying Experience

boat buying technologyBuyers today do not shop in the same way as they did in the past. Instead of being limited to brick and mortar locations, they will use the power of the web to shop for the perfect item. This happens even in a local setting, where many shoppers will check local offers and stock before leaving to make a purchase. Technology has become a powerful tool to direct customers to the correct seller. That is why we have invested in using technology to build a better buying experience.

Traditional Sales Channels

In the past, buying a boat relied on traditional sales channels. Dealers would advertise in boat publication listings and occasional local ads, then wait for a response. Word of mouth was an essential part of the boat market, and it would help to drive customers to dealers.

When a potential customer contacted a dealer, the dealer would go into a reactive mode and respond to the inquiry. In between customer inquiries, the boat selling process consisted of a lot of waiting for a response.

Building a Better Way

Over the years, we have carefully studied the boat buying market and invested the resources in creating a better way to serve our customers. Through technology, we have that better experience.

Let's take a look at the technology-driven sales channels we now employ.

Facebook Ads

Facebook has become the de facto standard for people to stay connected with friends and family. It has also become a juggernaut when it comes to having a business presence on the web. Many people will shop and visit business pages in the same Facebook session that they use to catch up with friends.

We have invested in Facebook Ads so that users can shop for a boat at their leisure. We don't want to bombard the potential buyer with calls and other interruptions that were part of the reactive process. Instead, we can use technology to remain passively just within reach, gently reminding the buyer that we are the answer to their search.

Social Media Marketing

Along with Facebook, we employ other forms of Social Media marketing. It's all part of our base strategy to remain right within reach of the potential buyer, within sight without being overbearing. Social Media allows us to provide that presence that would otherwise be difficult to create.

Email Marketing

Through our investment in technology-based sales channels, we have discovered that email marketing is an excellent complement to our Social Media efforts. When boat sales that are seen on social media are backed up with email marketing, it serves to validate the customer's interest.

Many marketers will tell you that nothing is more effective than word of mouth when it comes to generating sales. The reason it is so compelling is that it serves to validate the customer's interest. Email marketing that complements social media efforts tends to work much in the same way, generating sales.

Google Ads

We employ Google Ads to further drive sales through the customer's exposure to our ads on multiple platforms. We are careful to not over-saturate our customer base, but instead, aim to ensure the potential buyer that we are well within reach.

Just as email marketing forms a partnership with Social Media, Google Ads also enhances our efforts with the other two. The key to successful marketing is to convince the buyer that we are a trustworthy company for their business. Being a name that the customer can recognize is an essential part of that process.

Google ads allow us to reinforce a presence by appearing on websites that the potential buyer visits. This is very helpful in achieving our goal of reaming just within reach.

Traditional Channels Are Still Valuable

We still employ traditional sales channels as part of our marketing process. Boat publications still serve as an active market, but we now use them to complement our other marketing efforts. A printed ad is just part of our validation strategy for potential buyers.

Boat shows are another traditional channel that we have adapted to use in our technology-driven marketing. We often appear as a familiar name to show attendees, and it allows us to more easily initiate a dialog with a potential buyer.

The information we gather at a boat show is used to better target our web and email marketing strategies. We have found that all marketing channels when used correctly serve as a cohesive effort to interest and educate future customers.  

Atomic Tuna Yachts is working hard to build a better experience for our valued customers. Contact us today to see how we can use our expertise to put you in the boat of your dreams.

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