

Yacht and Boat Buying Guide: Tips For the First Time Buyer

Purchasing a yacht or large boat is a serious undertaking. Whether you are buying a used yacht or you are designing your own boat, there are several things that you should keep in mind when going through the process. First, you should find a yacht broker to help you find and close any deals on a previously owned yacht. These professionals are a great asset to the new or seasoned buyer. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when looking into buying a yacht for the first time (or really any time!).

Find out What You Like

Before you get really serious about buying a yacht, the first thing you should do (besides contact a broker) is find out what kind of boats you like. Either charter a boat or go on your friends, family or acquaintances boats and see what aspects about the vessel you really like, the things you don't like and what you would do differently. If you are designing your own yacht, this is a wise thing to do, but even if you are just buying, it helps you to determine what things you like or dislike in a design. When you go and look at boats to potentially buy, you will have a stronger sense about what you want and which boats are right for you and your needs and desires.

Make Sure Your Partner is Part of the Decision

You do not want to blindside your partner with a large purchase like a boat or a yacht. They need to be a part of the decision and buying process to make sure that you get a boat that is right for the two of you. Interestingly enough, the demographics on boat buyers have shifted some. More and more women are now the family members who are advocating for boats. Stereotypically, the boat was something that the husband dreamed about and the wife relented to, but more and more women are pushing their families into buying boats. Regardless of who is pushing for the boat, make sure it is a choice that both of you are comfortable with. It is hard to enjoy a boat or yacht that the whole family does not enjoy.

Buy Big

A lot of first time boat and yacht buyers feel like they should have gone a little bit bigger in size after a while. You should always go a little bit bigger in size then you first feel, but you do not have to get carried away. Really, the key takeaway is to not buy smaller just because it is cheaper. You are buying a big-ticket item when you buy a yacht. Do not sacrifice on size just to save a little bit of money. In the long run, you will be glad you went with the bigger boat. Bigger yachts are safer, they can hold more people, and most of the time they will be more comfortable too!

Patience Pays Off

Patience is a virtue when it comes to making sure that you get the right yacht. You do not want to rush into anything. A yacht is a big purchase, and you want to make sure that you are absolutely certain that you found the right boat for all of your needs. Take your time, and be sure that you are getting the yacht that you want. The worst thing you can do is rush into a purchase and then regret it later on. Good things come to those who wait!

Buying a yacht or large boat is exciting and challenging. Please contact us to learn more about buying yachts, and to find out more about yacht brokers in the bay area.

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