

Your Brain On A Boat

Boating is a sport that feeds the need for speed and excitement as well as soothes the soul. It is a sport that allows you to get out and explore the great outdoors while offering the opportunity for relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city at the same time. Whether you love cruising around San Francisco Bay or are seeking an adventure in the large open seas, boating is an amazing sport that does wonders for the brain and your overall mental health. If you are looking for an excuse to get your yacht out on the water more, here are several ways that boating improves your brain function:

Tap into Your Creativity

Some of the best and most innovative ideas pop into your brain when you are thinking about nothing at all. When you are at work, your brain is often so overloaded by stimuli that it is hard for it to focus on right brain thinking, which is often referred to as the "creative mind." In order to come up with the next big idea, your brain needs to be at rest so it can recall memories and put information together to come up with an inspiring thought. When you are out on a boat, you can tap into your creative mind, thanks to relaxing scenery and the gentle rocking motions of the boat as it floats on the water. Try to completely relax and let your mind hone in on its creative side.

Live in the Moment

Boating allows you to forget all of your worries and stress, and live in the moment...if only just for a little while. Boating is an activity that allows you to sit back and fully appreciate the time you spend with friends and family, making memories that will last a lifetime. While you are out on the water, your brain can take a break and your whole body relaxes as a result. A relaxed body leads to lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of medical conditions that are related to stress. When you are cruising through the water, or just aimlessly floating around wherever the current may take you, you get to enjoy all of the best that life has to offer, especially when done from the comfort of your dream yacht.

Natural Meditation

Being out in the ocean allows you to meditate even when you don't even realize you are doing it. Meditation improves brain function and will give you more energy. Meditation is also linked to reducing depression symptoms as well as heightened anxiety levels that are often the ugly side effects of working a demanding job. If you spend a lot of time on your boat, you should notice a profound difference in your ability to concentrate on difficult tasks in your everyday life.

A Bigger Brain

The hippocampus is the area of your brain where learned information is stored, and a relaxed brain is much more capable of absorbing new information and committing it to memory. Boating promotes hippocampus growth as it puts you in a mental state that maximizes memorization potential. While you are out on the water, take some time to research a topic you would love to learn more about and see how much more information you can recall later thanks to a relaxing boat trip.

Boating is good for the brain, as well as the mind and body, and we at Atomic Tuna Yachts can help you find the perfect sea vessel to take a mental break from the busy city life. Our expert brokers are yachtsmen themselves and can help you buy, sell, or upgrade to the yacht of your dreams. Contact us today so we can help you navigate through a smooth transaction that gives you peace of mind. 

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